Almost every other girl is unhappy with her weight. And in order to lose those hated kilograms, everything is used: laxatives, inducing vomiting, fasting, compresses, cocktails. Some naive girls dream of losing weight without doing anything.
Every diet is beneficial to one degree or another. Some give quick results, while others take some getting used to. The Japanese are discipline fanatics. In every business, they strictly respect the system and rules, without which success is impossible. The same principle is followed in food.
The Japanese diet is also good because the hated kilograms do not return even after its end. But there is a nuance: if you do not follow the rules, there will be no results. How to achieve the desired weight? The answer is in the article.

What is the essence of the Japanese diet?
This diet lasts for two weeks. A short period of time compared to other diets. The basic rule is low-calorie food and an emphasis on protein food. Carbohydrates - to a minimum.
The expected result of the Japanese diet is minus 5-8 kg. Approximate food costs are around a few tens of dollars. But since the diet is very strict, you will have to strictly follow the rules. And for that you have to have enormous will power. And you have to finish the diet properly - then the results will last.
- Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
- Contraindicated for patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers, who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.
Before starting a diet, a medical consultation is mandatory!
origin of the name
When people hear the word Japan and "Japanese cuisine", they immediately think of the famous sushi, sashimi, funchose, seafood, etc. The menu in the Japanese diet is predominantly low-calorie, but there is not an abundance of rice. But there are boiled fish and eggs.
All products are already known, there is practically no allergic reaction. Any dietary product can be purchased at any store. There will be no problems with availability and purchase.
- The menu was compiled by Japanese nutritionists from one of the clinics in Tokyo.
- A clear and simple diagram based on Japanese philosophy. Its principle is simple: put in maximum effort and get the well-deserved reward.
Many who watched Japanese films could not help but notice their restraint in their diet. Asians remain slim and healthy almost to old age. Food is consumed in portions, all products in it are low-calorie. Moderation and low calorie intake are the principles of the Japanese diet. Japanese nutritionist Naomi Moriyama is sure that this is the secret of Japanese longevity. The proof was in her research. She discovered that the Japanese consume 25% fewer calories per day than other peoples. They don't like fast food, chips and sweets.
Basic rules of the Japanese diet
What is the difficulty of a child for us? It's in the limitations. The golden dream: eat whatever you want without gaining weight. We are not used to restrictions, so following a diet will be very difficult. Despite the content of B, F and U in the food, the diet is really strict. However, there are enough nutrients in the diet. Every product is a source of one thing or another.
- Vegetables.
- Fruits.
- Dried bread.
- A fish.
- Meat.
- Olive oil.
- Chicken meat.
- Milk products.
- Eggs.
- A fish.
- Beef.
A significant advantage is the absence of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. There will be no bloating, flatulence or constipation. Fiber, necessary for normal digestion, is found in fruits and vegetables.
In addition, coffee and tea are allowed for some. They provide the necessary tone and energy, as well as antioxidants. Of course, we need high-quality products: no freeze-dried coffee or tea bags. Only grain or ground and leafy greens. Black tea is not recommended.
If you do not feel well or have a headache, it is better to abandon the diet. And consult your doctor.
During the diet, do not forget about water. The daily norm is 1. 5-2 liters of still water. There is a useful life hack that many people know. It helps to "trick" the stomach and alleviate the feeling of hunger. To do this, you need to drink a glass of warm water or room temperature 15-20 minutes before eating.
If you strictly adhere to the rules of the Japanese diet, the expected result will become a reality. But products cannot be exchanged. Sugar and whole milk in coffee or tea are strictly prohibited. Salt too. If you really can't stand it, spice it up to a minimum.
The frequency of meals per day is 3 times. Many dieters advise 5-6 times. But that is not stated here. No snacks. You can eat your last meal a few hours before going to bed. A mandatory rule is a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach. It starts the metabolism and relieves hunger.
Another diet rule: mandatory preliminary preparation. A week before the diet, you must exclude sweets, pastries, hamburgers and fries. Food portions should be gradually reduced. And you need to prepare yourself mentally, because it will be difficult to eat the same thing for two weeks.

Essential foods for the Japanese diet
As already written, products cannot be exchanged. Otherwise, it will not bring the desired result.
- Loose green tea: no taste.
- Good coffee beans or ground coffee.
- Tomato juice: 1 l.
- Every day - fresh (! ) kefir, 1 liter.
- Medium white cabbage - 2 heads.
- Eggplants and zucchini - 0. 5 kg each.
- Carrots - 2-3 kg.
- Any fruit (except bananas and grapes) - 1 kg.
- Lemon - 2 pcs.
- Lean beef - 1 kg.
- Chicken meat without skin and bones - 1 kg.
- Sea fish without bones - 1 kg.
- Chicken eggs - 20 pcs.
- Olive oil (cold pressed) - 0. 5 l.
Similarity of nutrition to "chemical".
Some diets are very similar in nutritional principles. For example, the Japanese one is similar to the chemical one proposed by Osama Hamdiy for diabetics. The principle of nutrition on the Japanese diet is more B, minimal U. Thanks to this, the mechanism of burning fat reserves is started. New ones do not appear.
The only difference is that the chemical diet does not limit portion sizes. A diabetic eats calmly and exercises. And eating in the Japanese diet limits the variety: U - little, B - a lot, the products are the same. But its duration is only 2 weeks.
Japanese diet menu
It's pretty monotonous. Or no breakfast, or just coffee with a piece of bread or a biscuit. At lunch, as a rule, they eat a lot of protein and vegetables. And dinner is richer: boiled meat or fish. Plus kefir.
If you don't want to bother with the menu, download a special application. They will advise you on certain foods and what to make of them. The drawback is the English interface.
The Japanese diet is attractive because the results can last for 3 years or longer. The main thing is to hold out for 2 weeks. And, of course, continue to monitor your diet. The best products, according to the Japanese, are healthy and natural. And the main principle is not to overeat.
Despite its strictness, this diet has many benefits. One of them is quick results in just 2 weeks.
- Maintaining the achieved results for a long time (subject to proper nutrition and moderation in portions).
- Getting rid of waste and toxins. The intestines are cleansed due to the intake of fiber and water.
- Significant savings in the budget. The products are cheap and affordable.
- Improvement of complexion and general condition of the skin. Hair and nails become stronger.
- To feel good.
- Almost all products are hypoallergenic.
One of the disadvantages is the strict limitations. Not every person can withstand 2 weeks of monotonous diet. When you can't even treat yourself to chocolate.
- Preliminary physiological and psychological preparation.
- No snacks, no "normal" breakfast. Constant feeling of hunger.
- Monotonous menu.
- Imbalance.
- An extensive list of contraindications.
Expected results of the Japanese diet in 14 days
Each organism is completely individual, and the result may also vary. Some will lose 8 kg or more, while others will not lose more than 1 kg. Reviews of those who have lost weight indicate an average two-week figure of 5-14 kg. But don't rush to rejoice: even if you lose 5 kg or more in the first week, it may just be excess fluid.
People also tolerate diets differently. Some manage to survive 2 weeks without difficulty, while others break down in the first 3 days. People who have tried the diet say that it is difficult only in the first days, then it becomes easier. Some have said that coffee saved them. It is very difficult to eat cabbage all the time.
To check for sure whether the weight has gone or not, first measure the volume of the abdomen and hips. First of all, the volumes disappear, and then the weight itself. So, if you notice that your stomach has shrunk and the riding pants on your hips are slowly disappearing, you are on the right track.
A beautiful body and figure always require certain sacrifices from a person. Everyone eats and only witches don't get fat. It's not like you can eat everything and not face the consequences. And of course, physical activity helps to preserve the body. But before any diet you must consult a doctor. The Japanese diet may not be suitable, and you will be undermining your health.
It also happens that no diet helps. No matter how much you sit on the restrictions, the weight either stays or goes up. Then you should go to the doctor. You may have hormonal imbalance or thyroid problems. Contact an endocrinologist, he will prescribe tests for glucose, thyroid ultrasound, hormones, testosterone, cortisol and others. Then it will become clear: you need a diet or medication.